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JSoko is a Java program for playing the Sokoban game.

It's developed as an open source program at 

Current version of JSoko is 2.19

Suggestions or any questions? Write to:  JSoko(at)

Sokoban News

By tags filter: jsokomopsokoban for windowssokoban yascsokolutionyassysokoban

JSoko 2.19 has been published

A new JSoko version has been released.

Please check out the release notes.

Please report any bugs, problems or suggestions to:

Tags: jsoko

Sokoban YASC 1.675 has been published

Brian Damgaard has published a new version of his great and widely used Sokoban YASC program.

The release notes for this new version:

    Bugfix (1.674): 
    When running an external solver or optimizer plugin,  everything worked fine if the plugin was allowed to run to completion.
    However, manually terminating the plugin had stopped working.
    Thanks to Anian Wu and Matthias Meger for reporting this bug.
Tags: sokoban yasc

JSoko 2.18 has been published

A new JSoko version has been released.

Please check out the release notes.

Please report any bugs, problems or suggestions to:

Tags: jsoko

Sokoban e-mail group

Visit: Sokoban group


JSoko installers are created using install4j.

install4j is a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications.

JSoko is developed with the help of the YourKit Java Profiler.

YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products:

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