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Gerry Wiseman
E-mail: gerrw(at)  

Björn Källmark

Jean-Pierre Martel
E-mail: sokomonk(at)

Level collections

Built-in level collection "GRIGoRusha"
Copyright (c) by Evgeny Grigoriev.
E-mail: grigr(at)yandex.ruWebsite:

Built-in level collections "SokEvo" and "SokHard"
Copyright (c) by Lee J Haywood.
E-mail: fruise(at)

Built-in level collection "YASGen"
Copyright (c) by Brian Damgaard.

Built-in level collection from Dries De Clercq
Copyright (C) by Dries De Clercq
E-mail: de3s(at)

Built-in level collection from David Holland
Copyright (C) by David Holland

Built-in level collection from Jean-Pierre Martel & Matthias Meger
Copyright (C) by Jean-Pierre Martel & Matthias Meger
E-mail: sokomonk(at) 


I would like to thank all who have contributed to the program.

 Special thanks go to:

  • Fred Minklei, for so many good ideas and suggestions about game features
  • Brian Damgaard for his YASC program and all his help developing my program
  • Sébastien Gouëzel for sharing his ideas and insights on the optimizer
  • Heiner Marxen for helping me improving the program
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