JSoko is a Java program for playing the Sokoban game.
It's developed as an open source program at www.sourceforge.net
Current version of JSoko is 2.22
Suggestions or any questions? Write to: JSoko(at)mail.de
Sokoban News
Sokoban YASC 1.674 has been published
Brian Damgaard has published a new version of his great and widely used Sokoban YASC program.
The release notes for this new version:
- Reverse game play
While playing the game in reverse mode, there was a special case where the program correctly prevented pulls that would lead to a deadlock, but it didn't provide a message explaining this.
Thanks to Matthias Meger for reporting this omission. - Scripting language
Various improvements and bug fixes of the built-in SokLisp scripting language. - Minor changes
Sokoban e-mail group
Visit: Sokoban group
JSoko is developed with the help of the YourKit Java Profiler.
YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: